Why having goals will skyrocket your resilience!
Feb 06, 2023
Happy Monday! In this week’s Blog we are taking a deep dive into the importance of having goals, plus how they play a key role in our resilience.
Goals. We all have them in some form or another. Whether it's to lose weight, save money, travel the world, or achieve professional success, they are the driving force behind our actions. But why are goals so important? What role do they play in our lives? In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of having goals and how they contribute to our resilience habits.
1. Goals Help Us Navigate Through Difficult Days
Life is full of ups and downs. There are days when everything seems to go wrong and we feel like giving up. However, having goals can help us navigate through these difficult days. They serve as a light in the dark, guiding us in the right direction. When we have a goal to focus on, it gives us a sense of purpose and motivation. It reminds us why we're doing what we're doing and helps us persevere in the face of adversity.
2. Goals Allow Us to Live Life By Design, Not Default
Without goals, we're likely to drift aimlessly through life, taking whatever comes our way without any thought or direction. On the other hand, when we have our own goals, we're able to live life by design, not default. Goals give us control over our lives. They allow us to shape our future and determine the course of our lives. Instead of merely reacting to external circumstances, we're able to proactively create the life we want.
3. Goals Guide Our Decision-Making Process
Every day, we're faced with countless decisions. Some are minor, like what to eat for breakfast, while others are major, like whether to take a new job opportunity. Having goals can guide our decision-making process. When faced with a decision, we can ask ourselves, 'Will this take me closer or further away from my goals?' This helps us make choices that align with our long-term objectives and keeps us on track towards achieving our goals.
4. Goals Help Us Set Boundaries
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of demands and commitments. However, having your own goals can help you set boundaries. Knowing what you want to achieve allows you to prioritize your time and energy effectively. You're able to say no to things that don't contribute to your goals and focus on what truly matters. This not only helps you achieve your goals but also improves your overall wellbeing.
5. Goals Inspire Positive Emotions and Optimism
Finally, goals inspire positive emotions and increase our levels of optimism. When we set goals and make progress towards them, it boosts our self-confidence and self-esteem. We feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. Having something to look forward to can instil hope and optimism. It gives us something to strive for and keeps us motivated even in the face of challenges.
In conclusion, having goals is not just about achieving specific outcomes. It's about the journey as much as the destination. It's about who we become in the process of striving towards our goals. So, if you haven't yet, take some time to reflect on your own goals. What are they? Why are they important to you? How are they shaping your life? Remember, your goals are a reflection of your values, desires, and aspirations. Make them count.
About The Author
Caroline Dakin
Caroline is our Head of Learning & Development and the founder and owner of Caroline Dakin Associates. Her thought-provoking leadership development programs and workplace resilience courses help businesses across the globe to build high-performing teams. Her unique and interactive delivery style encourages participants to question their leadership qualities and challenges them to, not only reach but surpass their potential. Backed up by neuroscience and supplemented with practical tools, techniques and resources, her training inspires action and change for a better, more resilient workplace. Caroline is also an accomplished speaker and can be found sharing her unique take on resilience at corporate leadership events, national awareness days, industry conferences, and educational seminars.
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